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Welcome to the Diversity Network blog, a source of information and resources for the Fleming community on issues of diversity, accessibility, equity and inclusion at Fleming College. Network members listed in the lefthand column are champions of diversity in their school or department and share information with their teams. To receive regular blog updates, become a blog "follower" by entering your email in the right hand box "Follow By Email". Resources can be found by clicking on the gold Diversity logo to the right.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Indian student integration

For this final post on Indian student integration, there are contributions from Fleming faculty who travelled to RJ College in Mumbai, India in the summer of 2011 -Kim Healy from the School of Business, Hospitality and Technology, Heather Pollock from the School of General Arts and Sciences, and Faith Ratchford from the Centre for Learning and Teaching. Kim Healy has shared a tip sheet for teaching Indian students based on her experiences abroad, and the team has shared a short slide show on their visit. You will find them in the wiki (gold diversity link to the top right) under "Indian students".

I have also updated the statistics in the "Equity diversity student profile" to include January international student admission numbers. Eighty-nine students have joined us from India since September, including large groups in Biotech Forensics, Pharmacy Technician, and the new International Business Management program. Others can be found in diverse programming like Electrical Techniques, Web Developer and Sustainable Agriculture.

Indian students are reporting very positive experiences at Fleming, and are inviting friends and family to join them here. Fleming has also received tremendous support from the Indo-Canadian Association of the Kawarthas (ICAK), who have recently invited International Student Club rep Mayankumar Amin to sit on their Executive. ICAK events are open to the public and you can learn more on their website: http://www.icak.ca/index.asp

March 21st in International Day Against Racism and I will be offering a film viewing and discussion - "A Film About Races: A Fresh Look at Diversity". This playful but provocative 55 minute documentary from Films on Demand explores the concept of race in the 21st century. The viewing will be followed by a discussion about the issues of race and racism, possible approaches to facilitating classroom discussion, and how to use an accompanying work sheet I have developed for faculty use in the curriculum.

Wednesday March 21st, 12:00 pm
Centre for Learning and Teaching
(Brealey Rm 270 next to the library).

My post on March 23rd will contain all the tools offered at the session.

Happy Day of Pink on Monday, March 12th.


1 comment:

  1. Nice Information!!! At today's time education is necessary. Every one must be educated that much so that he can survive. For them, lots of Colleges in India according to there interest. Thanks for sharing.
